Thursday, 19 December 2013



Education today is embracing technology. This makes teaching and learning hugely exciting for us all. With so many portable devices available such as smart phones, I-pads, tablets, laptops, the anywhere anytime online learning concept makes it easier to share information with a large number of students. Grainne Conole’s presentation Navigating Digital Landscapes, made the point that the internet is actually only 20 years old. As I have said in my previous posts.....I am sure many of us find it hard to imagine life without the internet. E-learning can encourage creative learning and allow more people to access higher education, thus improving employment opportunities for many.

The Horizon Report (2013) suggests that over the next five years we can expect even more innovating pedagogy, from more extensive use of mobile apps right through to wearable technology, with quite a few exciting educational improvements between. One area that particularly interested me was the Learning Analytics. To be able to quickly and effectively identify students that are struggling would encourage us to model our flexible style of teaching to student’s individual learning styles. The School of Veterinary Nursing is currently doing this fairly successfully, however there are still a number of students that fall through the cracks. By identifying the students earlier in the course, lecturers can deliver a more personalized instruction tailored to the learner’s individual needs.

While all these changes are going to be challenging to remain ahead of, it is important to remain focused on what counts. Noam Chomskey "the purpose of education is to help people learn for themselves"...."do you train for passing tests or do you train for creative inquiry?" made me question the way some students currently use the internet. Recently while marking a paper on Animal Behaviour, US 5222, the students were asked to research and describe the social organization and relationships between group members of a number of species. While some students researched and discussed the topic in depth, a large number did not utilize their resources or technology to research the subject properly. As discussed recently in our flexible learning forum, "the internet can open doors, but the ease of getting the answer can also shut doors".

As teachers we suggest readings, supply extensive course notes, recommend a text book and offer numerous websites for our veterinary nursing students to search. However some students choose to just ask the question on Google and go with the first thing that pops up. The tendency to take this first answer rather than research the subject in detail can have an impact on the students underpinning knowledge as the answer may not always be the best or even the correct one. The desire to explore topics further and promote creative inquiry will provide deeper interest in the subjects. Rather than ask for one source of reference we should ask for more. I realise that some of our students do not have the skills or knowledge of how to best research subjects. Part of our role is to encourage students on a lifelong learning journey of discovery. We need to give them the tools to build the scaffolding that will enable them to become expert learners so that they can take pride in their achievements.

Currently our students are asked to submit video evidence of caring for animals. They are set a number of tasks which they must complete jointly with a written open book assessment. I would like to see this improved further and get the students to reflect on what they have learnt during the process. It is easy to correctly remove a dog from a kennel with detailed instructions....but I would like the students to think about why they are performing these tasks. Teaching them to assess the dog’s demeanor before they open the kennel door is vital but they also need to reflect on why this should be done. Why is important to assess the dog from a distance first? Who do they need to protect? By encouraging reflection the students will increase their underpinning knowledge and in this instance have a deeper appreciation of dog behaviour.

At the end of each Care for Diary, there is a space where the student is asked to critique his or her videos. Many students will answer with "I think I did well because ......." but not actually fully reflect how or why they performed each task a particular way. I would like to see the students submit a learning portfolio with guidance and in collaboration with the lecturers. It could be in the form of a blog, since they are not nearly as scary as I first thought, videos, or a discussion forum where the nursing students chat together on-line and reflect on various issues that may have arisen. Topics could be added throughout the students learning journey. There could be flexibility around the topics and delivery. Students may wish to work together throughout the year or individually. If it was to be included as part of their assessments, there may need to be guidelines and finishing dates. By gradually building the learning portfolio throughout the year the student can look back at how far they have progressed and reflect with pride at their achievements.

I would like to see our veterinary nursing students engage in more critical thinking and research subjects more fully rather than just answer questions on an assessment. By encouraging them to participate in a reflective learning portfolio I believe this will encourage deeper learning and could also advance to become a showcase of the students work, attached with videos, for future employers.

The learning portfolio would cover a number of flexible areas within the Flexibility Continuum. Time and place: this could be flexible to suit individual needs, however if the work was to be assessed as part of the course, there may have to be a completion date. Sequence: the student could choose the area they wish to reflect on. Duration: the learner could set their own pace, but as with time and place there may have to be a completion date. Assessment: the learning journey the student undertakes throughout the portfolio is assessed at completion of the course. Delivery mode: definite flexibility here as embracing technology may work for some but not others. Technology: the student can choose the technology they wish to use to complete the learning portfolio.


Chomsky, N. (2012) Retrieved from

Conole, G. (2013). Navigating Digital Landscapes. Otago Polytechnic. Retrieved from

Hegarty, B. (2012) e Portfolios-getting to the nuts and bolts. Prepared for flexible learning2012. Retrieved from

The NMC Horizon Report
(2013) Higher Education Edition.
Retrieved from http://

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Reflect on factors associated with diversity in your context

Activity Four- Module Two


Reflect on factors associated with diversity in your context

I found the slideshow on Universal Design very thought provoking. Ensuring inclusiveness for all students is important. Perhaps we need to change the way we think....instead of saying ‘this won’t work for this student’, let’s say ‘How can we make this work for this student?’

Universal Design for Learning suggests that we identify and remove barriers from our teaching methods and curriculum materials. This will ensure that everyone has equitable access to the same learning opportunities thus encouraging acceptance and respect for everyone. By presenting information in more than one format and media we allow more access to learning. Keeping distance students motivated and feeling included may mean we need to find more ways for them to participate. Encouraging participation in Adobe forums and delivering face to face teaching via block courses can be motivating; however, this can also pose some challenges as these students are frequently fitting study around work and family commitments. There will never be a time that will suit everyone, so by recording sessions we are offering more flexibility for the students; however it is still their decision as to whether or not they take the time to watch or listen. At the School of Veterinary Nursing we ask distance students to produce a video demonstrating a particular skill. Some students really struggle in front of the camera. Is there another way to get them to show us their skills? We could go and assess them in person and in an ideal world that would be great; however costs and time restraints would never allow this. Is there another way? Would they be more comfortable with Skype so they can interact with us more?

Students studying Veterinary Nursing, come from many different backgrounds. Family, culture, ethnicity, personal values and beliefs all influence the cultural diversity within our school. By taking the time to get to know our students we can coax them all to shine. There may be a danger when assessing literacy and numeracy that we prejudge our students to what we think their academic level is. Stewart and Felicetti (1992) "define learning styles as those educational conditions under which a student is most likely to learn." My personal experience is that all students have the capacity to learn. Some may need extra tuition via tutorials or even extra support from their peers. Confidence in their ability can be fragile so the giving of positive feedback to all students is vital. The most important factor is to get to know your students, embrace all learning styles and find teaching methods that work. "Thus, learning styles are not really concerned with what learners learn, but rather how they prefer to learn" (Honey and Mumford)

As I have stated in my previous blog, our students range from School leavers to almost retirement age. To teach to the one-size-fits-all just would not work. One example where access to teaching and learning may be compromised or inequitable is in a new directive for our next academic year. In 2014 the school will only accept assessments that are submitted on-line. While this is a great sustainable objective, some students may find this daunting. There is an assumption that everyone has a computer, understands how to use it and has the capacity to successfully submit all their requested assessments online using Moodle. By doing this are we not removing a degree of flexibility here? Having access to a computer and understanding how to use it is not guaranteed. More mature students may have learnt by using paper based resources so to embrace technology can be challenging and inequitable.

Studying with the School of Veterinary Nursing should be challenging but inspiring for all students. We are encouraging lifelong learners within our profession. We need to reach and engage all learners by exploring options and acknowledging everyone is an individual. Learning in a safe and positive environment will help make learning equitable and accessible to all. If we offer more tuition on computer based learning thus removing some barriers then let’s do that. It may not need to be incorporated into the curriculum but an optional extra to get students up to speed where required. If students are having difficulty understanding a particular subject offering a one on one tutorial or even encouraging peer support can help. Some students are happy to achieve more depth in a subject by sharing their knowledge and teaching others. By working together we can help our students remain motivated and positive towards learning, and hopefully inspire them to achieve.


Honey, P., & Mumford, A. (2000) The learning styles helpers guide. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publications Lt. Retrieved from 

Rose, D.H., Meyer, A., Strangman, N., and Rappolt, G.
Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age. Retrieved from.http:/

Universal Design for Learning: A framework for access and equity. Slideshare; Jenna Gravel, Dr Patti Ralabate, NEA, Dr Lisa Thomas, AFT.